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Introduction to the Market Leaders Indexes

Investors are familiar with the rewards of a bull market (rising prices) and the pain of bear markets (falling prices). However, most are not familiar with the striking difference between secular bull and bear markets. A new secular bull market (a two decade period of generally rising prices) that will include a series of cyclical bull and bear markets (shorter intermediate term moves of ring and falling prices). But for you to grasp just how rare and significant this secular bull can be to your financial future, a better understanding is needed. In our latest book, “Dow 85000! Aim Higher!” we have introduced in detail four different active rule based indexes. The STIR Indexes have a goal to perform better, three times (3X) better than the 700% gain in the market in this new secular bull lasting until at least 2030. A 2100% gain is a possible goal if you perform 50% better in the rising markets and lose no more than the market during the declines.


Market Leaders Index

The Market Leaders Index is a global allocation focusing on owning the four leading asset classes in up trends. “Why own the whole market when you can own the market leaders”. The Market Leaders Index is an active allocation, understanding there is rotation in the leadership. Market Leaders Index published by STIR uses a risk management tool, the STIR Market Environment Indicator (MEI) which measures the broad trend of the overall market. When the MEI is bearish (identifying a falling market) the Index equally reduces equity exposure from 100% to 50%, with the 50% sold moved into the safety of an Aggregate Bond Index.


Ultra Market Leaders Index

The Ultra Market Leaders Index is a global allocation focusing on owning the four leading asset classes in up trends, a 1X position and moving to ultra’s, 2X, when also in a confirmed overall market environment with the ability to move to 100% defense in falling markets. The Ultra Market Leaders Index is based on over two decades of experience in asset class analysis and four decades in quantitative market analysis. This rule based Index combines three levels of quantitative analysis: relative strength, specific asset class trend and overall market direction.


Sector Growth Index

The Sector Growth Index is an active index that focuses on opportunities in sector funds. Each sector has unique characteristics and a different risk profile. When a leading sector’s Individual Fund Signal (IFS) is on a sell, that 25% allocation to the Index is moved to a defensive position, either money markets or aggregate bond. The Sector Growth Index can move from 100% invested to 0% equity allocation in 25% increments depending upon the sectors Individual Fund Signal (IFS).


Ultra Sector Index

The Ultra Sector Index focuses on identifying the leading sectors using the predictive power of persistency in price, on a quarterly basis, owning the four leading growth sectors in up trends from a universe of thirteen sectors. The Ultra Sector Index is risked managed employing two levels of time tested quantitative analysis: the Index can vary from 200% to 0% moving in 25% to 50% increments. Applying leverage (2X) only if the Individual Fund Signal (IFS) is positive and the STIR Market Environment Indicator (MEI) is also positive. This rule based Index combines three levels of quantitative analysis: relative strength, specific sector trend and overall market direction.


Tactical Equity Income Index

The STIR Tactical Equity Income index is an active rule based conservative Index with the goal of outperforming bonds. The bond market is entering a new secular bear market, with rising yields and falling prices. The Tactical Equity Income Index is designed as an alternative to the typical bond allocation. The STIR Tactical Equity Income Index strives to provide low volatility (higher than bonds but lower than equities) and a total return (dividend income plus capital appreciation) greater than bonds by investing in large and midcap pure value funds/ETF's.


Low Volatility Rising Dividends Index

Investors seeking solid investment returns and a smoother investment experience (smaller market declines) should consider the STIR Low Volatility Rising Dividend Index (LVRD) as a guide to what is possible. STIR Research’s team, with 50+ years of market experience, through the LVRD Index shows what is possible in a risk managed, global portfolio of dividend paying and low volatility ETF’s. Unlike the current offerings of low volatility or dividend paying ETFs, STIR’s LVRD Index is diversified and actively managed.


Disclaimer for charts: Investors cannot invest directly in an index. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Strategies striving to mirror an index will have different returns due to tracking error, management fees and trading expenses. STIR Research is intended for a professional audience for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation to buy or sell any security, nor is it intended as specific advice for any individual investor’s portfolio. STIR is NOT a registered investment advisor or broker-dealer. STIR provides experienced independent quantitative research.

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